Bag and cartridge filters Aspex are made in Russia using international experience of our specialists, we solve any, even complicated technological problems, while retaining high reliability and reasonable price.

Bag filters are used for dedusting of an aspirated air, formed at various processes in power engineering, metallurgy, at pouring of bulk materials, in joiner's and wood-working manufactures etc.
Bag filters, manufactured by Ltd. Aspex engineering company can be produced in special configuration, for operation with explosion/fire hazard gases and dust.
The operating temperature of a filtrated gas, steam or air should not be close to dew-point.

Cartridge filters are used for dedusting of an aspirated air, formed at various processes in power engineering, metallurgy, at pouring of bulk materials, in joiner's and wood-working manufactures etc.
Cartridge filters, manufactured by Ltd. Aspex engineering company can be produced in special configuration, for operation with explosion/fire hazard gases and dust.

Basic purpose of a local aspiration in complex with the filter&ventilation aggregates (cartridge filters) and local ventilation aspirators is an elimination of the harmful emissions for the creation of working conditions, which completely meet the requirements of the labor safety and ecology.

Desulfurization of gases is commercially and ecologically reasonable as it is the means of the struggle with minor products at the expense of reduction of SO2 emission. In the EU countries desulfurization of coke oven gas is more and more widespread that is in many respects connected to the current ecological laws. In Russia also more attention is devoted to decrease of emissions, therefore in the future redesign of former manufactures for ecological advancement is inevitable.
We implement high quality turnkey industrial aspiration projects of any complexity. Aspex solutions start from information gathering and design stage and finish with production of equipment and its startup.
Our design department uses the most advanced software products and is ready to offer design projects in the field of dust and gas purification. We work promptly, in accordance with current legislation. For your convenience all the projects are carried out in full 3D, exclusively for your needs.
Инжиниринговые услуги для иностранных организаций